Monday 12 October 2009

Sir John Thursby Event

The Christmas fair at Sir John Thursby College is now on Saturday 5th December from 10am - 1pm.

I am busy making lots of lovely new items to take with me including some delicious looking sweetie bracelets, if you can't get to the fair these will be available on my website and through Red Devil on MISI x

Friday 2 October 2009


I've been busy updating the website and it's now gone live, I hope you like the improvements - if not please get in touch and give us your feedback.

I may start to look at doing Jewellery parties - sadly not until the New Year as work won't allow it in the run up to Christmas.

One last thing for today, I will be at Sir John Thursby Community College on Satruday 27th November for their Christmas Fayre - doors open 10am -2pm and I will have a large selection of items - great for Christmas presents or for a treat for yourself.

I hope to see you there x

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Web Restructure

I've had a very busy weekend exhibiting at the Hertiage weekend at Towneley Hall and met lots of lovely people.

Since then I have been deliberating on what to do with the website. A complete overhaul is taking place behind the scenes and a new website will be ready at the end of the month with new products and prize draws too.

I will be back once it's completed so you can let me know what you think.

On another note, I will be exhbiting at the Towneley Hall Christmas Craft Fair on Sunday 29th November - it's a rgeat event and they are expecting well over 30 exhbitors - great for gift ideas. I hope to see some of you there.

Take care, I'll be back soon x

Thursday 3 September 2009

Sorry I've not been around for a while, I got married last week and haven't been able to get much else done.

Things are now back on track and I am busy creating new items for the run up to Christmas (aargh - only 3 pay days away for those who get paid monthly!!!)

I will be at Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum from Friday 11th - Sunday 13th September inclusive so come along and say hello. It's the National Heritage weekend so Towneley Hall will be free of charge all weekend to everyone. Sunday is also the local Woodland Festival with lots of events planned within the grounds of Towneley Park.

I hope to see you there x

Monday 10 August 2009

Craft Fair Result

I went to collect my left overs from the craft fair yesterday and was very pleasantly suprised to find I had sold 119 items!!!!! The church was delighted with their cut as was I. I've even been invited back again for the Christmas fair and was asked to exhibit again next year.

I have a lot of sorting out to do this evening and need to start putting things into some sort of order - then I need to get the website updated.

I have another 3 day event in the near future though it isn't actually a craft fair as such so I'm sure I won't have as many sales there.

This has definitely boosted by confidence and I have a few ideas up my sleeve for future events x

Sunday 9 August 2009

Craft Fair - Last Day

Well, as the title would suggest today is the last day of the craft fair. Tomorrow I shall collect the remaining pieces and (hopefully) a cheque for my percentage of any sales.

I haven't had to take any additional pieces - though I did takeover 300 to start with lol.

Will let you know how it's gone...

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Craft Fair

I'm busy getting together all my items for the craft fair which I am attending at St John Church, Worsthorne from Saturday 1st August - Sunday 9th August.

Please come and visit if you can x