Monday 10 August 2009

Craft Fair Result

I went to collect my left overs from the craft fair yesterday and was very pleasantly suprised to find I had sold 119 items!!!!! The church was delighted with their cut as was I. I've even been invited back again for the Christmas fair and was asked to exhibit again next year.

I have a lot of sorting out to do this evening and need to start putting things into some sort of order - then I need to get the website updated.

I have another 3 day event in the near future though it isn't actually a craft fair as such so I'm sure I won't have as many sales there.

This has definitely boosted by confidence and I have a few ideas up my sleeve for future events x

Sunday 9 August 2009

Craft Fair - Last Day

Well, as the title would suggest today is the last day of the craft fair. Tomorrow I shall collect the remaining pieces and (hopefully) a cheque for my percentage of any sales.

I haven't had to take any additional pieces - though I did takeover 300 to start with lol.

Will let you know how it's gone...